Wednesday, May 04, 2005



right now ur feelin>>>> lazy

because>>>> i don't have much to do.

last thing you did before filling this out>>>> updated my other blog

because>>>> i wanted to update my other blog.

the time you woke up today was>>>> 0530am

because>>>> i overslept and snoozed away when the 4am alarm came off.

the last thing you bought was>>>> mocha-filled biscuits. yesterday.

because>>>> it looked yummy on the shelf.

the last thing you did at school was>>>> had the notes of the last trig lecture photocopied

because>>>> i was busy doing the seatwork then, and i thought, "screw the notes."

the restaurant you hate most is>>>> i'd rather not say

because>>>> there are too many names i want to mention.

the song you'd probably still like until the day you die is?>>>> last chance

because>>>> it reminds me so much of all that's happened to me, and all the crappy and beauteous memories of the prime (so far) of my life.

your plans for the weekend are>>>> practice, practice, practice, torture, torture, torture.

because>>>> i just love getting my booty tired.

the last time you got really frustrated was>>>> a while ago, in math class.

because>>>> an uncompromising adult is on the loose. 'nuff said.

the last time you watched cartoons was>>>> i don't remember

because>>>> i don't watch t.v. anymore.

the last time you took a swim was>>>> last month, as far as i can remember.

because>>>> i don't remember why.

the time you'll be sleeping today is>>> really early.

because>>>> because i want to.

one thing that crossed your mind now>>>> auds.

because>>>> of pressure, pain, and torture.

one thing you want to tell that special sum1>>>> so much to say, so little time.

because>>>> that's how i feel.

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