Monday, February 28, 2005

Happy Martial Law Liberation Day (Part 1)

i had the best weekend!ÜÜÜ

presence: my family and relatives.tor.gia.jules.noc.roy.nayn.popoy.lycs.scab.
lec.toffer.renzo.candy.gnet.bon.omarc.guimo. friends.haytrop titos and titas.

greetings: sis.cuzdear.neil.vince.jen.kester.mayumi.tutor paul.lian.miles.nic.
fran.karen b.lena.liz.nayn.mare.jengnenee.ate
francis.zye.kris.kristel v.ateina.ate jen.ate zsa.kuya onyl.iris.boyfriend.pam.
gia.tor.iking.chim.cinderello.raefel.jiggy.kimmy.popoy.karen s.rona.stephie.
chong.mary t.jc

details next time.Ü

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Mysteries of the Unleashed

what exactly does the 26th of february do to me?
answer: i have no idea.

for some unknown reason, whenever this date nears, i suddenly unleash my alter-ego and start being weird. i don't really have medical or psychological proof of this phenomena, but... it's something i myself consider out of the ordinary.

my friends think something's going on, because i'm just switching between my mataray and my deadma states. others think i'm just having a panic attack. others think i'm just sad.

i don't know.why i feel so down lately. is it because i'm scared that this saturday will be dead? or is it because i feel no one cares for me?

(this is just a phase, it will pass...)

but still, i am constantly paranoid that i will slowly sink to oblivion. again, i can't seem to understand why i feel like such a loser.

the people i thought and felt i trusted the most are slowly leaving... and i don't know if i'm a bad person or i'm really just getting left behind... i hate feeling like this, it's like grade school all over again. i just don't like this feeling...

Monday, February 07, 2005

the color of love...

I was lonely,I needed someone, to see me through,
I was at the, end of my rope,
I needed someone, to cut me loose
Then an angel, out of the blue,
Gave me the since that I, might make it through
And somehow I survived, with no rhyme or reason,
And now I know I'll make It,
Through the miracle of you

I know the Color Of Love,
(And It lives inside of you)
I know the color of truth,
(Its in the image of you)
If it comes for the heart, then you know that its true,
It will color your soul, like a rainbow
(Like a rainbow)
And the color of love, is in you

Like a bridge,
Over troubled, troubled water
You stood beside me, stood beside me
And your love, did not falter
And then the angel, angel in you,
Gave me the strength to know,
That I will get through,
And that’s how I survived, ain't no other reason
And now I know I'll make it, through the miracle of you

So girl I want to thank you,
I can't thank you enough,
For showing me the meaning,
The meaning of true love,
(When I was lost and so in need you opened up your heart)
(When I needed you to comfort me you opened up you arms)
(I couldn't face another day you said don't be afraid)
You showed my heart the, showed me the way

Ohh, the color of you
Happiness is anyone and anything at all...
happy birthday kuyaÜ [jengnenee, happy birthday...Ü]