Sunday, September 19, 2010

Despedida Del Dia

Estoy muy emocionado tanto y triste. Mañana, mi corazón va a ser mi escenario. Esta es la culminación de todo lo que NOSOTROS hemos trabajado, y agradezco a Dios que he sido muy afortunada de haber compartido experimentando el resto del mundo con todos vosotros. Yo siempre te amaré y te echo de menos todos. Tú lo sabes. <3

UST Singers, Choir of the World 2010
Llangollen, Wales, United Kingdom
June 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Actual Life at Its Finest

Before finally deciding I would relocate my thought bubbles to Livejournal, I promised myself this journal would be filled with so much more than the pangs my heart shall be receiving.

I promised wrong.

Needless to say, the flawless life aspect I envisioned myself living for livejournal banished itself to oblivion when 1:44 am of 13th September hit. For the lack of a better outlet, my poor, disheveled sanity caved into creating a piece of weakness especially for you.

But, it's effing 3am now. Sooo... I have to force myself to sleep.