Sunday, December 01, 2013

Rant Day

There are SOOOOO MANY THINGS that I want to fast-forward my life to at this very moment, just so I can get a taste of what it's like to not get nagged all day. I know it's the stress, it's the annoying case of facing the unfamiliar and the OCness that comes with guarding your personal space--BUT HEY, WATCH IT. I may be in a very forgiving mood now, but I can't promise it's going to last forever.

Stop blaming me for not learning the things you do not exert effort for. If you think that business is of paramount importance in the whole world's life, then force me to quit med school so that I won't have to need to use your holier-than-thou computer.

I've been screamed at and frowned upon since this morning and I don't like it. Especially now that my hormones are on overdrive. Please do not provoke me. Please. Don't.

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