Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Pet Peeve

Just a thought: if and when I assign you to compile a report, You SHOULD note that I TRUST that you will NOT ONLY edit the format of the paper plus all those blasted indentations and whatnot. I'm sure it's supposed to dawn upon your ever-so-important soul that the proper usage of the English language and its technicalities should be checked as well, along with the sheer OBVIOUSNESS of supplying accurate data for every single result and its corresponding table and elucidation.

And you pride yourself with being a Grammar Nazi? SHAME ON YOU. You memorized rules of the language but do not know what you're talking about. Your understanding is purely cerebral and that does not place you upon the English pedestal.

I honestly do not care if you were not having a good day when you did your part because everyone else had to suck it up and deliver. SO GROW UP ALREADY. And please allow yourself a few hours to ponder on that.

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