Monday, June 07, 2004

do you think you are... ?

i came across this survey-slash-bulletin board post from one of my (ahem...) acquaintances, and... well, you get the idea: friendster's bulletin board is actually starting to suck because of all the crappy surveys and tongue-lashing from quite a number (yes, okay. guilty. myself included, in some instances.) of (ahem... again.) "warfreaks" and people who couldn't think of anything better to do in the pitiful (and often uneventful, if there is such a word) moments in their lives. so, to cut the crap, i decided to answer this blessed survey here.Ü

pretty = well... (beauty IS in the eye of the beholder after all, right?) in some ways, maybe... :p
funny = i guess, if that excludes (the possible overdoing of) slapstick. (some people just don't get the point. grr.)
hot = again---this time, rather---, i say: HOTNESS is in the eye of the beholder.Ü
friendly = very.Ü
amusing = in what sense, exactly? a lot sees this word in all sorts of ways.
ugly = of course not. i wouldn't degrade myself that much, thank you very much. (huh?sounds redundant. whatever. :p)
loveable = hell yea!Ü
caring = yeayeayea!Ü
sweet = "I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO-OOOO!!!Ü"
dorky = er... um... i have my moments.

5 letter word = stage, heart, spell, dance, faith, truth, space, alive, beach, dream, think, drama, queen ÜÜÜ
actor/actress = hard to narrow it down, but... ewan mcgregor or sascha radetsky/natalie portman or nicole kidman
candy = top 3 (for now): grape sugus, fruit tella, and grape mentos
cartoon = nothing (i think) will beat the classic looney tunes.Ü or disney stuff--- cinderella, sleeping beauty, the little mermaid, pocahontas, brother bearÜ
cereal = honey stars!!!ÜÜÜ
chewing gum = bubble yum
color = purple/lavender, periwinkle
color combination = masquerade colors!!! hahaÜ
color nail polish = nude beige/apricot beige, black, clear, and i loved deep purple recently lang!!! hahaÜ recital polishÜ
day of week = friday. and saturday, for some unknown reason. hahaÜ
least fave day = sunday (bracing-myself-for-school day)
jell-o flavor = grape
jewelry = earrings, a fine necklace, and a bracelet.Ü

[Person who last...]
slept in your bed = chim
saw you cry = chim
made you cry = jay
you went to the movies with = jay, roy, dax, angel
yelled at you = my mom
sent you an email = julius

[Have you ever...]
said "I love you" and meant it? = of course.
gone out in public in your pajamas = not really... i guess if you consider "camp moments," then yes.
kept a secret from everyone = yea.
cried during a movie = yep. last was troy. (didn't cry because of the movie, though... hmmm... what could that be about? or, if ever, who?)
planned your week based on the TV = yea, when i had too many tv shows to watch
been on stage = hell yea. and i love it.
wished you were another gender = well, yes... but that was when i was faced with an impossible situation.

[This or That...]
apples or bananas = bananas
blue or red = purple? hehehÜ red.
spring or fall = spring. come on, we don't have fall here, do we?
what are you gonna do after you finish this = make another quiz for the friend test thing and make a blog for my friends.Ü
what was the last meal you ate = is champorado considered a complete meal?
are you bored = kind of...
last noise you heard = some buzzing sound from the tv program (ET)
last smell you sniffed = nada

do you believe in love at first sight = sometimes
do you want children one day & if so, how many = two or three, maybe.
most important thing to you in a relationship is = honesty. you'll learn to love and trust the person once that's present.

[Other Info]
criminal record = i don't think i have any. but, well... is insanity supposed to be included in this?
do you speak any other language = yea. english(duh.), and a little of french, spanish, and chinese.
last book you read = the legacy of merlin (a charmed book)
name some of your favorite things in your bedroom = my bags, clothes, shoes, and accessories (hahaÜ kikayÜ), my pieces, notebooks, pens, lyric sheets, books.Ü

nickname(s) = jai, jaims, miejai, cinderella
how old do you look? = excuse me? don't you mean how young?
how old do you act? = waaay beyond my age... but i can be really immature sometimes.
glasses/contacts = glasses (i got new ones!!!Ü nice.Ü)
braces = never
do you have any pets? = yea. puro dogs.
what makes you happy = in the mababaw sense? being with my friends/ around everyone who loves me, appreciation, trust, honesty.
what upsets you = being alone and unappreciated, being taken granted of, bad luck

[Finish the sentence]
I Love to = perform.
I Miss = my life.
I Wish = things would turn out the way i want them to--- for once.
I Hope = i have a good first day tomorrow.
I'm Annoyed with = the immaturity of some people.
I Want to be = loved and appreciated.
I Would Never = EVER break my principles all at once again.
I'd Rather be = someplace else right now.
I Am Tired of = being nissunderstood.
I Will Always have = myself to fall back on.

i guess this pretty much says a lot about me now, huh?

i hope.

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