Monday, March 09, 2009

the beginning of randoms i will have to get out of my system :)

Entry #1
1. so, okay, yes. i missed hanging out with the alipins. kind of got a bit of that when jona and i chilled post-shift. :)
2. my current addiction: starbucks' iced (though i have it iced less) triple shot venti white chocolate mocha... yum!
3. i think the random flurry of cheese in one's life makes everything seem okay :) (read: one more chance) haha!
4. it's hard to miss people when you don't want them to know you miss them... because really, it'll show one way or another. waaaah loser. haha :)
5. weekend shifts are less eventful, which is great, but a tad lonely (missed you earlier, teammates. :( eww sappy.)
6. i know have to stop drinking coffee in the morning if i want to get myself some decent sleep.
7. i couldn't care less about my cheap-ass phone, but it would be great if i make myself buy myself a new one soon (post-birthday gift, haha!).
8. i just had the most bittersweet birthday, and i'm fine with it. :)
9. this is the first year ever that i didn't majorly celebrate my birthday. :)
10. people can surprise you sometimes. :)
11. i patiently await my Love Actually dvd... ahem!!! :D
12. i think i know, but i still don't. :)
13. i have just been informed that pearls actually enhance something if you wear them. i have no idea what that is, but i will sure as hell try not to wear them for the time being. (love you though, trish! i still heart the bracelet despite what donna and joseph said.:D)
14. i'm having fun with my teammates and not-so-teammates so far :) haha!
15. facebook is starting to get addictive for some strange, demented reason. :O
16. i'm a sucker for romantic comedies, which is why i need that cheesiness in my life at certain times, whether or not the film is foreign. :)
17. i still have to get that blasted Single Ladies mode out of my system.
18. i believe in retail therapy. :)
19. my refuge is nowhere to be found at the moment. :o
20. right now, i don't know what that refuge actually is... :o

like i said, randoms. ;)

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