Wednesday, July 28, 2004

it's been a while...

wow. after 10 days pala, ha. cool.Ü


wala lang.Ü hahaÜ

i had a super fun day today.Ü the 'girl group' has officially increased its number, and 2 new friends have come to life.Ü now, it's the pretty ones against the rest of the judgmental world. hah! :p

i learned [more!Ü] how to play billiards today.Ü cool teachers.Ü hahaÜ

okay, whatever. on to the serious stuff.

it's funny how much your perception of a person can change with just a few hours of bonding time with that particular human being.Ü this girl was actually so irritated at me when we first met, because she thought i was being a bitch to her. after a few days, though, we became extremely close after a couple of hours of chatting like crazy because we were stuck inside a friend's car together with no one else around.Ü it turns out, we had SO much to talk about, and SO much to be happy being friends about.Ü oh yes, we were both surprised that our personalities actually clicked, and that we would actually become really comfortable with each other.Ü mental, huh?Ü

the same case is true with the rest of the girly gang.Ü heehee...Ü at first, one of us was exaggely [if there is such a word] uncomfortable with me because she thought i hated her for accompanying one of my friends. which is why when i took a seat across her[she thought i would be bitchy to her because i'm allegedly 'irritated' at her], she kept on texting... and texting... AND TEXTING... and didn't talk to me unless i asked a question or whatever. after Lord knows how long, and the others started arriving, she suddenly admitted that she felt wildly uncomfortable speaking to me because she thinks i hate her guts. what the--? oh well. then, okay. true confessions followed, with all of us admitting that we were scared, uncomfortable, intimidated, irritated, et cetera, of each one of us initially. haha!Ü and now, we're all almost inseperable!Ü


oh well. hmm... makes me think that maybe, this 'transition' is going to be more of an advantage for me, because i gained new friends, and i've TRULY seen the 'sides' of other people. good for me, huh?Ü at least i don't regret anything.Ü what matters is that i'm fine, and that i'll live.Ü

suddenly, i realize that i love my life so much after all.Ü

"...there's a rainbow always after the rain..."


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