Friday, July 25, 2014


Today I got a nagging feeling that this school year will test me so bad it'll be hell on earth.

My unparalleled excitement for this extremely-coveted progression has seemingly been gnawing at my cloak of comfort, reminding me that things may not be all too well so soon. Despite my efforts to choose to believe that this is just a phase, this morning proved to be a test of character already. I had to juggle lifestyles yet again and frown at the inconvenience of it all.

The rules are simple. Very specific, but not at all unique.

And then when something you may not like gets flung at you, the only way good things may come out of it is if you face it head on. But what if all you want to do is let it go? Sometimes, it's not too good to know how to fix things, too. You end up fibrotic and you'll never be the same again. And then your brain gets so tired and full of unrelenting clutter when all you want is a little peace.

I might just be some kind of a great pretender. Then again, maybe it's just one of those days.
posted from Bloggeroid

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