Monday, May 31, 2004

"curious, curious..."

"curious, curious..."

my dad was surfing channels a while back, and he came across hbo. harry potter anyone? well, for some strange reason, he watched that for some time...

and now he's asleep.

hmmm... at least the tv's off. must be the sleep button/setting... or... not?

anyways, i guess that sort of goes to show that he's not so much of an hp fan. oh well.

i'm really excited cz my brother's coming home tomorrow!!!ÜÜÜ i miss him sooooo much, and of course, we have to catch up on A LOT of things.Ü and... umm... some... "other things". so... i guess the thought of him grilling me to extinction doesn't sound so appealing now, huh?

okay, bad idea.

oh well. this was bound to happen sometime anyway. i better face the music tomorrow. gotta get ready...

oh crap.


by the way, belated happy "birthday", sis and homie!Ü i'm going to grill you two sometime also. individually.Ü harharÜ love you both!Ü

i must say, this blog thing's really therapeutic.Ü really helpful for me, cz i talk a lot. harharÜ better than blogging in m***a**.Ü (no branding.:p) hahaÜ well, at least i think so.Ü

THIS IS FUN!Ü oh, hell... i'm such a freak. temporarily insane person on the loose... AGAIN. oh well. :p harharÜ

many thanks, joey.Ü i've FINALLY seen the light.Ü

adios amigos.Ü

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