Tuesday, December 13, 2005


oh yes. as much effort i give to veer away from communal insanity and annoying target-shooting, they always seem to find me anyways.

freaky-crazy, but what can i do? i guess they love me that much. at least i'm not yesterday's news. problem is, i'm EVERYDAY'S news. why do people just love getting in on my life? goes to show who your real friends are. it doesn't matter to me now who treats me nicely or not, i'm back to paranoia101 again. INSECTS, listen: keep off the grass please.

and to those who don't want to be directed, get off my life. mind your own beeswax, get lost, vamoose. get the picture?

i don't mean to sound all bitchy, but recent events aren't excuses for sick, sad behavior. i'm keeping my sanity in check, you should do that too.

to everyone who's morphed into paparazzi, i'm watching you as well. let's play a little game of hide-and-seek, shall we?

if you can't take my guts, this'll make things easier for you: TRY NOT TO TAKE THEM.Ü

so much for two-faced superficials.

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