Sunday, May 22, 2005


i spent the entire day alone in my house. oh yes, poor me. what's really sucky is that i had to be really, really on my toes because everything was getting busier and more annoying by the minute (and have i mentioned MORE ANNOYING?). the phone was ringing off the hook, and i hated it, cz most of the calls weren't for me... and if ever they were, the conversation were sooo short i almost forgot what we talked about right after i put down the receiver. wah.

because of the extremely unsettling circumstance, i sought refuge from the internet-- to no avail. i bored myself even more by completing the final season of FRIENDS i haven't watched for the nth time yet. that was my final attempt to keep myself up until other people shall grace this abode. but ho-ho-ho, as expected, my falling eyelids have once again failed me. i drifted off to dreamland just as rachel was about to get to ross before his wedding. oh joy. i missed the best part. oh well. next time.

it's quite a surprise when someone unexpected calls, huh? duh. well, so someone unexpected called me a few hours ago. and it was freakishly "anubuh," cz when i said 'wait,' she put down the phone. talk about misunderstanding. grr. annoying.

i'm kind of starting to miss the days that were... hmmm. oh well. at least having had a glimpse of it made me feel a little okay. i never want to really go back to those times, though... for some reason, i like getting tired this way more. and i feel more accomplished. hahaÜ although, the things i do now doesn't make me let loose as much. oh well. it's still all about the math.

i feel my brother's gonna be out long tonight... probably gallavanting with his friends right now, as chandler would say (uh-oh... too much FRIENDS???). which means, i get to use the computer a little longer. (sigh.)

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